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Termites are a common pest that can cause significant damage to homes and businesses. According to the CSIRO, termites cause more damage to Australian homes than natural disasters like floods and bushfires combined. 

Unfortunately, termite damage can be difficult to detect until it's too late, which is why regular termite inspections are so important. Here are just three examples of damage that can be done by termites, along with the associated costs:

  1. Structural Damage: Termites can cause significant structural damage to buildings, including walls, ceilings, and floors. This damage can weaken the structural integrity of the building and make it unsafe to inhabit. In fact, according to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), termites cause more than $5 billion in property damage each year in the United States alone and according to the Australian Institute of Architects, termites cause more than $1 billion in damage to homes in Australia each year.
  1. Furniture Damage: Termites don't just eat wood in buildings; they can also damage furniture, cabinets, and other wooden items. This damage can be costly to repair or replace, and it can also be challenging to detect. In some cases, termites can cause so much damage that the furniture or item needs to be completely replaced.
  1. Fire Hazard: Termites can also pose a fire hazard. They can chew through electrical wiring and other materials, creating a potential fire risk. According to the Australian Institute of Architects, termites are responsible for more than 20% of all electrical fires in Australia and the NPMA state that termites are responsible for 8% of all residential fires in the United States.

Given the potential for significant damage caused by termites, it's crucial to stay on top of termite inspections. 

Regular inspections can help identify termite infestations early, before they cause major damage. 

At "Lights Out Pest Control," we offer comprehensive termite inspections to identify and treat termite infestations quickly and effectively. Our technicians are highly trained in termite detection and treatment, and we use the latest technologies and techniques to eliminate termites.